-Nita Lowey, House Representative for the 18th District of New York
Dear Residents of the highlighted green area on the map, also known as the 18th district,

The above quote, pulled directly from Nita Lowey's website, is a statement that we should all fear. It is clear, it is concise, and it defines her stance on the role of government in our society. She believes that only through a larger government, direct and indirect taxation, and heavy federal spending, we will be able to get ourselves out of the current economic crisis. But what she fails to realize is that those are the exact reasons that we are now in this mess. Not once has fire ever been extinguished with more gasoline.
Nita Lowey, who is currently serving her 11th term and who has sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States for the past 22 years, has continually trampled on the natural rights of the American population through poor economic and political judgment.
She has repeatedly voted for the use of unnecessary military force overseas, that now costs the American tax payer over 1 trillion dollars a year to maintain.
She has voted for a government run health care system. An industry that was once affordable but now, since government intervention, has left millions unprotected.
She has destroyed jobs by taxing the very people that create them.
And most importantly, in the 22 years of her service, she has done nothing to limit or destroy the power of the Federal Reserve, the root cause for the purchasing power of our dollar to drop 95% in the last century.
These are all problems that can be fixed. We do not need to destroy the liberty and freedom of the American population to have affordable health care, a strong dollar, and low unemployment.
It is very important to remember that the government has no money. It produces nothing. It sells nothing. The only way that government attains money is by forcefully taking it from hard working Americans and then, in turn, misusing it in the name of the "greater good." Do not be fooled by this common cry of the American politician. It only requires a light scratching of the surface for the truth to be revealed and the hardships that are a result to be seen.
This is not a call for a destruction of the federal government. It is quite the opposite. A federal government is important, but it should be used in the way the Constitution intended...as a way to protect its citizens' natural rights of life, liberty, and the protection of property. And only by defending these rights will we be able to see America prosper once again.
It is impossible to make an entire case against Nita in one blog entry. It would be thousands of lines long, and would be a nightmare to read. That is why I will be dissecting Nita's voting record and political stances in separate blog entries. I will also be referring back to my other blog, The Eagle View, for a more in depth look on issues. Also, I want to challenge you to really examine what role you want the federal government to have in your life. I encourage any and all questions and if you would like me to address a certain policy sooner than later feel free to email me directly at defeatnitalowey@gmail.com.
Welcome to Defeat Nita Lowey.
The Eagle View
Highly suggested reading:
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